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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

That's so stupid

That's right; the Government's latest decision is so stupid.

Why do we often blame the Government on seemingly irrational decisions it so often takes? Because deep down, we were taught that the Government is supposed to take decisions which are in the interest of the nation. This is in spite of years of evidence that they fail to do so. Why do we not revise the model we have in our minds of the Government? Why don't we start seeing Government, not as an infallible entity, but being run by people who put their self interests above others'.

Suppose we start with this model now. We no longer fret about the everyday horror decisions the Government makes because they are no longer a surprise in your model. Suddenly, we become free to find ways to envision a system where humans have no part to play, rather than trying to trying to make our Government agents work according to the model in our minds.

The agency problem in the Government is not going to go away, no matter who comes to power. The system which puts too much control in someone's hands will always be subverted. Some systems have less corruption, not because the people running them are angels, but because no one person has control over the system and its resources. When the power with a select few is taken away, the reason to bribe them is also taken away. That is a system which runs without corruption.

So, next time you catch the Government taking another seemingly stupid decision, be in a state where you can congratulate yourself for having foreseen this. The more the number of people who realize this, the more we stop fighting each and every decision the Government takes and start finding ways to remove one more power from the Government.

Things to ponder: Do you think India would have progressed as much without the economic reforms of the 1990s, but just from the public and the opposition keeping a track of the Government's functioning through debate? If you think it would be possible, what made it so difficult before the reforms and what makes it so difficult in the areas without the reforms?


  1. Nice thoughts. The questions you have asked are unanswerable, cause they need to integrate with global economical developments. I didn't understand what model you would like to propose. You didn't mention it. US and UK are successful over decades in keeping their economies stronger by giving power to only few.

    1. Most developed economies have done so by opening up their economies. So, my guess would be that the US and UK economies have less regulations than ours.

  2. Anarchy with protection for private property would be better :)

  3. Why so harsh on current days cars? May be they will make us better drivers :P
