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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why would you be blocked on an online forum?

I registered myself on a forum today and posted quite a thoughtful response to a question (IMO, anyway). After making that my first post, I went on posting in a couple of other threads and created a thread too on a Physics blog on the environment. 

Suddenly, after a few min, I find myself logged out and unable to login again. I fond that my id had been deleted. It could have been the moderator, it could also be a technical glitch, I’d never probably know. But, what was telling was that, if it was indeed the moderator, she would have taken the decision based on me breaking some rule, not looking at the quality of my response. Then, it occurred to me how it makes sense that the moderator might just do that. My response was important for me, but was one among the many the moderator has to deal with everyday. Her mode of action would obviously be based on her needs, rather than mine. This is what we fail to see very often about systems, their designs and workings, esp. when humans are involved. 

I hope to revisit this topic and take it to some useful conclusion in later posts.

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